When I Fall in Luv

Hm...biasanya gw kan nulis notes yg temanya sekitar perasaan dicintai. Nah, trs gmana tanda2nya (bunga asmara...weits..itu mah lagu ya) bila Alvi jatuh cinta (mengutip sebagian lirik lagu dari 'Nidji') atau bagaimana seh Alvi bisa tau kalo 'I knew I Love U ...' (mengutip lagi sekelumit judul lagu-nya Savage Garden) alias nyadar kl ternyata gw tuh sayang ma seseorang.

Hm..mungkin ada beberapa pembaca notes berpikir "basi banget neh Alvi ngomongin ttg cinta-cintaan mulu". Well..itu mungkin pikiran terlalu extreme kali ya. Hm...mungkin kalo "diperhalus" sedikit menjadi "Ih...si Alvi bawaannya kenapa akhir2 ini sering mellow ya?"
Well guys, benernya dibalik kejutekan-nya, Alvi tuh juga seorang perempuan yang muanjaa banget dan juga penyayang tp mungkin karena keadaan yg meminta gw untuk menjadi tough woman (seorang janda, ibu dan juga sekaligus bread winner) maka sisi2 mellow Alvi itu lebih banyak hanya gw munculkan dalam bentuk tulisan daripada di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. So, 'tulisan2 romantis dan bijaksana' itu hanyalah merupakan suatu pandangan atau jangan2 malah keinginan gw tentang segala bentuk keromantisan dan ideal-nya dari suatu hubungan :). Apakah sehari-hari gw juga mempraktekannya ? Jawabannya Tidak juga atau Belum sepenuhnya, terlebih, to be frank,udah cukup lama juga gw tidak terlibat dalam suatu hubungan, komitmen atau apapun itu.

Nah, kembali ke topik semula, Alvi knows that she is started to love someone when together with that special someone, she will pretend to ignore that person. But when that special someone is not around, she might look around to find him. At that moment, she knows that she is in love.

Although there is always somebody ready to make her laughing, but her eyes and attention might go only to another person, the special someone. Then, Alvi knows that she is in love.

He was supposed to have called her long back, to let her know of his safe arrival, but her phone is keep quiet.
And yes she is indeed desperately waiting for the call, but patiently keep on wishing and waiting for his call all night long or even until tomorrow, at that moment whether she realizes it or not, yes she is surely in love.

If she is much more excited in receiving one short e-mail from one special someone than other many long e-mails from others, then she is in love.

When she finds herself cannot erase all the messages from one special someone in her phone inbox, only to read it all over again for many times, like nothings to do either more important than just reading his messages. And there is no other possible reason for that stupid act than, yup she is in love.

She keeps telling herself, "he is just a friend", but in the same times she also realizes that she cannot deny his special attraction. At that moment, she might just try to hide her truth feeling that she might be in love.

And while she is writing this page, who knows, if there is someone appears in her mind, then we could consider he is Alvi's someone special :).