The New Us

Most people said that inner beauty is more important than outer beauty, and surely I agree with that. But I also agree that we are better not to put almost 100% attention to improve our inner only. Like or dislike, it is a fact that others will have their first impression on us by viewing our outer-look. And I think there is no guarantee, after that they would like to know our good personality cause they find us unattractive.

So, why don't we give our outer-look a gift? why don't we do a bit changing like trying a fresh new outer-look? Of course we don't have to do anything drastic, especially if it is our first time experience. We can look for only a small boost, like trying a new outfit or change the color of our lip gloss. These things sound small, but can make a significant difference. The idea here is not for us to change who we are but to make sure that how we look on the outside is an accurate reflection of who we are and how we feel inside.

From now on, don't be afraid to visit the makeup counter or the beauty salon and ask their help to give us a new look. If we still have a bit money to spare, please don't think twice to shop in major department store for once in a while. Many major department stores have free personal shopping services that can help us shop and find a new clothes for our new look. If there are still clothes in our closets that we were bold enough to buy but have not been confident enough to wear, now just own it and wear it. Just that simple but bringing a big impact such as when we finally have to admit that how good we would feel about the new us:).