Mengapa Cowok Suka Banget Berselingkuh?? Udah Bawaan Orok Seh:)

Kenapa sih cowok suka selingkuh?? Wahhhh pertanyaan era jadul tuh. It is such an age-old question, tapi masih sering aja menjadi pertanyaan favorit-nya kaum wanita, apalagi kalo habis diselingkuhin pasangannya. Langsung deh curhatan mereka hanya akan seputaran,"Kenapa seh tega banget cowok gw nyelingkuhin gw? Apa sih yang dia ga dapet dari diri gw?..dan..sederet mengapa begini dan mengapa begitu lainnya. Dan....jawabannya pun akan sangat bervariasi pula. Tapi, pada dasarnya seh sama aja yaitu ya sifat dasar kaum cowok itu sendiri yang 'animal instinct' nya lebih dominan daripada kaum wanita. Lalu, apakah sifat 'animal instinct' yang dominan itu lantas mengaburkan logika sehat sifat kemanusiaannya yang mengatakan bahwa 'cheating is wrong habit' atau ' being unfaithful is really forbidden to married man'??

Almost all men know that cheating is wrong, yet many they still do it. Yet, by their very nature, men constantly feel an impulse to cheat. Sering orang mengibaratkan, pria itu seperti kucing, udah dikasih makan enak sampe kenyang eh ikan asin tetangga disikat juga he..he...itu baru kucing biasa loh, apalagi kalo yang namanya Kucing Garong...weleh weleh tambah berabe kan urusannya:)

Lalu, apakah keadaan suatu hubungan akan menentukan cowok itu akan selingkuh atau tidak?? Maksudnya, jikalau sang cowok mempunyai suatu hubungan yang sehat dann bahagia dengan pasangannya, akankah sang cowok masih akan melakukan perselingkuhan?? Well, I have to say why not??

Reasons why men are unfaithful in a happy relationship may be not because of their mate. There is often very little emotion involved when a man cheats. Just like the dog barking after someone knocked on the door, some men cheat because they weren't thinking. It probably happened too fast and seemed too natural for them to avoid it. Iseng-iseng berhadiah, tanpa direncanakan, lalu terjadilah sudah.

Berpotensinya seorang cowok untuk melakukan perselingkuhan juga tidak tergantung dari keadaan status sosial-ekonominya, ganteng-jeleknya, berpendidikan atau tidak, atau berapapun usianya. Forces such as sexual attraction, companionship, excitement and curiosity can pull men toward affairs. Affairs are often glamorized in movies, romance novels, soap operas, and TV shows. Public disclosure of public figures having affairs is headline news because people are fascinated and titillated by hearing about others' affairs. Men are bombarded with images of women as sex objects in advertising and marketing campaigns. Over and over, the message to men is that the good life includes a procession of sexy women in their lives.

Dan sederet alasan lainnya lagi mengenai "Mengapa Cowok Berselingkuh" antara lain:

- Karena adanya 'alasan' untuk berselingkuh
Pepatah yang mengatakan 'men are only as faithful as their options'ada benarnya juga loh. So, ketika ada 'kesempatan' di depan mata plus didukung oleh sifat 'animal instinctnya', akan sangat susah bagi kaum pria untuk menolak godaan nan menggiurkan tersebut. Mubazir, itu alasan mereka:)

- Karena ego-nya
Sometimes men don't feel like they are attractive to the opposite sex any more and when a woman shows some interest, not only does a man react, he may allow her to stroke his ego and more. Sudah rahasia umum kalo pria menjunjung tinggi egonya setinggi bintang di langit. And there's nothing like the thrill of the chase to men on the hunt. When they are finally rewarded for their efforts, their egos swell even larger.

- Ketidaksesuaian dengan pasangan
Mungkin, seiring waktu berjalan, sang pria semakin menemukan banyak ketidaksesuaian dengan pasangannya. Dan kebetulan di saat yang bersamaan, sang pria menemukan WIL yang, kebetulan lagi, mempunyai banyak kesamaan dengannya, entah itu hobby ataupun pola pikir. Dan dari kesamaan-kesamaan yang sederhana dan tampak tidak berbahaya itu, later on He may check out if he is compatible with her under the sheets also:)

- Juteknya dan terlalu posesifnya pasangan-ku
Men will sometimes cheat to get away from an overly critical or argumentative partner and over possesive partner. Sometimes, he just needs to be around someone who is calm, negotiable and understanding.

- Beneran jatuh cinta loh
Walaupun jarang terjadi, tapi alasan yang berikut ini dapat terjadi. Saking nyamannya dia bersama sang WIL, dia tidak akan mau kehilangan sarang baru cintanya, walaupun dia tidak akan meninggalkan keluarganya, karena anak-anak, bukan karena cinta terhadap istrinya.

- Sex yang payah
For women, love comes first than sex. But for men,sex is most of anything. If a man has a disinterested partner or isn't getting enough sex to fulfill him, there is a good chance he will have an affair. Some men cheat because they want to try new sexual things that their current partner will not try.

- Balas dendam
Sederhana aja filosofinya,"Tidak ada cara yang lebih mudah dan lebih ampuh untuk membalas perlakuan pasangan yang selingkuh selain dengan membalas melakukan perselingkuhan terhadap dirinya".

- Delicious Temptation
Some men get tired of having steak for dinner every night and want to try a hamburger. The same goes for sex with a woman. That's why men don't necessarily always cheat with women who are more attractive than their partners. It's new, different and exciting.

- Dangerous Challenge of Trial and Error
Salah satu prinsip cowok yaitu 'what she doesn't know, won't hurt her', juga bikin cowok untuk coba-coba selingkuh. He might cheat to see if he smart enough to get away with it. Adrenalin berpacu, jantung berdebar-debar, otak berputar keras, semakin menambah nikmatnya perselingkuhan maka semakin terasa hiduplah dunianya.

- Ga Dewasa
They are not ready for commitment but fail to communicate this to their partner. Believe it or not most men don’t really know how end relationships. Truth be told, they’re pretty crap at it. They’d rather cheat while they’re with their wife/girlfriend so they could keep them in the picture until they are able to make up their minds as to what they really want. This could be put down to emotional immaturity because they fail to see that their inability commit to one woman would eventually hurt others when the truth is revealed (and it always is). Bottom line is, they cannot have their cake and eat it.

- Sangat mudahnya kaum wanita untuk memaafkan perselingkuhan
Kata pepatah dari mamaku benar juga loh,"Sekali pria berselingkuh, maka pria tersebut akan tetap berselingkuh (apabila melihat peluang, tentunya)".

Reasons why men cheat can be more complex than the above list or even be a combination of a few different reasons. Nevertheless, no reason is good enough reason to lie and be dishonest. After all, Karma can be a bitch. So to male friends, please don't!
To my gals friends, please be ready with Pre-Marital Agreement:)