Longing For True Love....

Human beings are so interested with love--like me. I tend to have a longing or need for love and there are so many questions connected about love, such as What is real love?…How do I know it is real love?…Do people really try to look for love?…Is it really difficult to find love?… Is it right to find love?…Is it necessary for two persons to be together to consider love?…Is love just a simple word for many?…Is loving considered a sacrifice?…When does love justify every mistake in life?…How far will we sacrifice in the name of love, or should I?

I thought that finding the right person is very hard and very wrong. Is this really the case or is it a matter of choice? Will it justify somebody to look for love when he/she feels the longing or need for it? Or is it ordinary to try finding love as it is a basic human need? Or do I just hope that God will someday provide the chance for a me to find love?

I can’t think of a question I ask myself more often. I envy friends who announce with great conviction that the person they’re sitting with is their soul mate. They know, from the start or along the way, that this is the man they’ll end up spending the rest of their lives with.

I am both amazed at, and suspicious of, these professions of love and faith. Sometimes I wonder if my friends tell me how much they love their partners coz they want to assure me that true love exists, or themselves. It’s not coz I don’t believe in love nor do I think no one has been deserving of it. It’s coz I am not convinced that I truly know what love is and thus, if the person I am with is the one. There’s no standard barometer to gauge my emotions, no universal guideline on where infatuation ends and love begins.

My search for love is my search for meaning in my life. I could go on searching for it and I may either succeed or fail. Should I choose to look for love? Do I really need to understand my feelings when I think I am in love, to know who really I am, and what I really want in a relationship? Is it the same as saying that love is a mere emotion and that I am treating love as something I can just invent? Is it right to enumerate things that I wanted in a relationship? Or can I just leave the relationship as it is? Do I equate a love relationship as a partnership with definite life? Or do I treat love as our will to live?

Sometimes, I have to find hurt just to make love survive; get hurt always badly; but what is important is that I gave it a shot; REAL LOVE is never regretful. And even if it fails to last; real love should only make me a better person… a stronger person.And in love, strength is knowing when to give up the fight and finally let go.
Because if it is real love, then it is meant for me to be in love and it will stick with me till the end… no matter how tough it gets. No matter how long it will take and far from perfect but it is still real love.

Perhaps I am being too harsh on love. Or perhaps it’s simply a case of my inability to determine the exact combination of traits that’d make for an ideal partner. So instead of dating a human quilt, The One that I love is probably the one who reflects me best, since I love me best, my soul mate should be reflects close to it. With so many differing opinions, my final say is that no one truly knows if his or her partners is “The One”. But maybe in the end, it doesn’t really matter, What matter is what I make of “My One....My Love:)"