Vie Matre?? Vie Suka Shopping?? Ember....So What Gitu Loh???

One day, my guy friend ever told me that most all a woman cares about how is much cash she has and how many branded bags and shoes she has to put it in. I was understandably offended at first, but after I simmered down and thought about it, I had to admit that the material things in life are indeed important for most women. From street fashion labels to haute couture, I am sure women know all the brands like the back of their hand:)

Shopping is definitely one of women’s greatest joys. Which bring me to next point, wanting the finer things in life or being materialistic isn’t a problem, as long as I am not relying on someone else to get it. We maybe have or know a friend or a friend’s friend who only goes out with men who are particularly generous, who own platinum credit cards and the good job. To me, this is when the woman cross the line and become flat-out gold-digger. Having a guy who can afford to pay for anything my heart desires might sound like an irresistible deal. But if I am actively looking for men who will be able to feed my need for material goods, then it doesn’t say much about my level of independence. It also questions my priorities in relationship.

If material goods decide who I date, then they become definitive aspect of my relationship. And I have to ask myself at the end of the day, that is what I want my partner to value in me– that I am just a woman who really knows how to spend his cash. So, it is no wonder the world materialistic has gotten such bad reputation. I have no problems with being materialistic in term of liking finer things. I just never want to be gold-digger. If I have to work very hard to get a car, then I will and I did. At least I know I would not only have a car on my own, I would have my self-respect intact as well.

Please be noted that--->Materialism is buying things we don't need, with money we don't have, to impress people who don't matter.