Never Be Afraid To Love And To Get Hurt

If I don’t have freedom to love, will it be that meaningful?
Do I have to restrict myself in only loving one person?
Do I just consider it pity when I can't leave someone and see him crying as I try to let go? Do I call it love when I fell too attach and think that losing the one I love will somehow make me weak and unable to face the storms of life?
Do I call it love when I give my whole life to him, the wholeness of me and imagined that if he leaves, no one would accept me as he did?

Even if I have everything like a good name, wealth, career, etc…or even if the world revolves around me,things can’t be perfect all the time. In reality, life comes with so many imperfections and these imperfections make life more interesting and more exciting.

Life has so many imperfections and all these questions are part of it. In life, I have to take risks, discover new things, meet new people and soon I realize that I can exceed my own expectations even though at first, I never thought it’s possible.

It’s just like love that I should not be afraid to love, to commit mistakes, to get hurt and in the end, I'll realize that when I love, a heart can never be confined in a box then I can be able to say “I love you whoever you are and whatever it takes for me to love you".