One Man Woman

The old-fashioned beliefs of 'a one-man, one-woman relationship' are long gone, which is now replaced by 'a get-as-many-women or men-as-you can get'. So, what is wrong with a person having multiple partners in different relationships? Nothing, if we like that kind of action, but having two partners also means getting two headaches, two attitudes to deal with and two lives to live, which is too much for me.

Perhaps, I am the old-fashioned beliefs person. But for me, dating/in relationship more than one man just don't suit me. For example, I might have one partner that is loving, kind and has a cheerful attitude all the time but the other partner has, a sullen, rude and an unpleasant attitude, so I have a mix of the good and the bad and at some point in time. Good if I can adjust myself to that condition, but I think that personality combination will make me dizzy.

Also, there is the time factor being spent with the partners, with one wanting myself to spend more time with him than the other. Each partner wanting a certain amount of time with myself can be a hassle, especially I also have my work and kids. Means that I have to divide one me, 24 hours my time, 7 days of my week for many other persons and things. Also means that I would not able to have ME TIME anymore...and I think I am not happy with that!

Then, there are health issues that come along with having multiple partners; especially if one or both partners are having sexual relations with other people (do I need to spell A-I-D-S-?). Today, AIDS is one of the killer diseases in the in world with millions dying every year.

When think about all this stuffs...and...figure out what could happen when myself If I am having relations with more than one man though the choise is always mine, I have to ask and decide if this is the right thing to do? I can answer that question very sure that I do 100% prefer one-man one woman relationship for good and always:)