Falling In Luv With Younger Men

“Vie….akhirnya diriku bisa jatuh cinta lagi.”
“Wah…selamat ya….I am happy for you..muach xoxoxo:)”
“Thanks much Vie.”
“Welcome…tapi maaf ya…..kenapa kamu kok tidak begitu kelihatan gembira? Biasanya kan wajah seorang wanita yang sedang dilanda cinta itu berseri-seri loh, bahkan sinar wajahnya bisa mengalahkan keindahan sinar bintang di malam hari…..apalagi untuk wanita secantik kamu:)”
“Ah bisa aja lo Vie.”
“Eh beneran loh….he makes you happy with his love right?”
“Sure he does.”
“Apa kamu masih trauma?...Kalo iya, ngapain juga trauma mulu…ga bosen-bosen deh kamu ma trauma…lah trauma aja udah bosen banget ma kamu he..he…”
“Vieeeeee.....gw udah bebas lepas dari trauma masa lalu yang menghancurkan hatiku itu.”
“So, no problemo donggg.”
“Masalahnya dia brondong, Vie….Hari gini, brondong??? Dengan mantan suami yang lebih tua aja gagal maning, apalagi ma yang lebih muda?? Hm…selama ini susah banget bagi gw untuk jatuh cinta lagi. Eh sekali-sekalinya bisa jatuh cinta lagi, ma orang yang sepertinya kecillll banget kemungkinan untuk bisa menjadi pendamping gw. Apa kata anak2? Apa kata orangtua? Apa kata orang-orang?”

So, does age matter? The romantic in me wants to say NO. Like I said previously, If two persons are in love, than just go for it. Love will conquer all. Plus, this is life in general, there does not need to be an age gap to have a difference in upbringing or family values. But she has to consider and admit that the pragmatist side of hers will say differently. If she tends her relationship to become more serious and long term, she must question and honestly answer all these ‘haunted’ question such as “Do both of us still feel the same 5 or 10 years from now? Will I still feel attractive or I will be worried that he’s looking for a younger one? What if he decides he wants children and my biological clock is no longer ticking?” She has to realize that this young man childish manners will have to come along with the territory and she has to be willing to accept that she will be the one who is the adult, possibly for being a provider and also understanding that he will be doing boyish things that could end up turning her off if she expects him to take a grown mans role on the date.

The possibility of older women and younger men dating each other can work out and lead to a happy marriage and family life as long as they truly love one another and don't let others influence them to be apart. In fact, this couple can bring a lot to their relationship. From the older woman comes wisdom, history, and experience. From the young man comes new ways of looking at things, knowledge of technology and other new-fangled things, and a freshness that will be welcomed by the older woman.

Not to mention that Love is blind but Age is indeed truly just an age. The maturity doesn't relate with age. Specially, the bonding of the heart and mind that make a relationship work. Happiness comes to so very few when it comes to a successful relationship. One fact of life is that love doesn’t always work out, no matter what age we are. If it doesn’t work out, it’s no worse than being with a man our own age. But when it does, it’s magic, even we are much older than him. And friend, just in case to remind, if you have a legally single female friend like mine who falls in love with a legally much younger bachelor…..Please please be happy for her…support her…not criticized her for falling because who knows….someday…it could happen to you also:)